Monday, August 31, 2009

Man Dies After Ingesting Fentanyl|Channel 7 News

Man Dies After Ingesting Fentanyl|Channel 7 News

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Saturday, August 29, 2009

Here is a link that use to save money by reviewing products and giving my opinions on different items.

When ask who referred you please say nenaandtrey.

I am working doing these old jobs to save money for Nena and Trey to go to Branson next year on vaction.

Saturday Aug. 29 2009

Today started out on the wrong foot. We didn't have any money nor gas to get to where we could make some money. So we start out going to the Market in Bebee Ar. by borrowing $20.00 from my mother. So we get there and we set out our merchandise. Today we are selling New blowers from Poulan and used dvds, video games, and video systems.

The day went on with us selling 1 game for $10.00 and 1 blower for $ 40.00. So we are thinking well aleast we got $50.00. By this time it is 9:00 am and wam they hit us from nowhere.

By 12:00 pm we have sold alot of dvds and games and 1 system and alot of blowers. So we made out alright today. All in all we came home with $ 800.00 which is pretty good.

Yay me I got enough to pay my truck payment monday, which is late.

This afternoon we are going to an auction to try to buy some more stuff to sell. So wish us luck.

I hope you have enjoyed reading my blog!!